Happy Holidays Everyone,

Joyeuses Fetes, Felices Fiestas, Schoene Feiertage

This has been the most unusual year--one we would love to forget but most likely won't. The Covid pandemic has dictated our lives from its inception until present times. Our lives are punishingly on hold until the pandemonium passes or a suitable vaccine is found. While the latter is starting to look promising, the fact is, it's probably still out of reach in the immediate future. But...life goes on and we are forced to make the best of a weirdly chaotic situation. How we choose to deal with our current circumstances, is what counts. Focusing on the simple things....small joys, helps-- a beautiful sunset over sparkling waters, a kind text, a sharing of resources, a rose bud in November, hot apple cider with cinnamon sticks and cloves....you get my drift.

Some of us are separated from our loved ones. Others are feeling cramped, crowded, stuck at home with disgruntled family members. Regardless of where you are at, we all need small joys. In that vein, I have an all encompassing holiday sale going on. Create a warm moment and give the gift of gold. 

Gold is never a bad investment. It's tempting glow is appreciated world wide, a universal currency and language. It gives a rush to those who receive it as a holiday gift, or as a commemorative keepsake, or just for being present in our lives. It is perfect for a celebration or conversely, to merely say thank you for being...... Who doesn't love a surprise?

For those of you who choose to  travel during the holidays--stay safe and wear your masks.

All merchandise is 20% off for the holiday season so take a look at all your favorite pieces. :)